
Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea: Spongebob Snapchats


Are ya ready kids?

Aye, Aye captain! Yes, ready for Spongebob Snapchats.

This Is Probably The Most Unexpected Video You'll Watch Today (Just Keep Watching)

Everything I own, everything I will buy, every fiber of my body, everything in this world should be dipped into water paint. The hydrocoating process is popular in weapons and helmets but really deserves to be shmeared all over the world. We might have to come up with better designs but I never want to use a paint brush to paint again.

Water transfer printing is the application of an ink pattern onto a complex three dimensional object. This process works on most solid materials that can be momentarily immersed in water. Hydrographics or HydroGraphics, also known as immersion printing, water transfer printing, water transfer imaging, or cubic printing, is a method of applying printed designs to three-dimensional objects. The hydrographic process can be used on metal, plastic, glass, hard woods, and various other materials. Also known as "hydro dipping".

The advantage of water transfer printing is

1. Time Saving
2. Cost Effective & More


This Man Was Wearing Sanitary Napkins For Long, But His Wife Was Not! Why Did This Guy Do This?

In under 12 minutes, listen to the fascinating journey of a workshop helper - from being rejected by the same women whose lives he wanted to change - to now gearing up to create jobs for a million...

Arunachalam is not just your average workshop helper. The man has dreams, and a big one at that! Committed to re-invent sanitary napkins for women, he fought through embarrassment, awkwardness and even divorce to get where he is! More power to you sir!

In My Point of View, It is a Excellent innovation to propagate in rural India in a big way.i think you can implement this idea in a big way for Social entrepreneur projects.it will be a big hit and will be well received and have wider acceptability across India and in under developed countries. Please share This good idea.Take it forward. 


A Woman’s Fiance Gets Hit By A Drunk Driver. This Amazing Story Obliterated My Heart

As a teacher and a father, THIS inspires me. When I find my life cluttered with ailments, I reflect back on this video...and suddenly, everything seems so trivial. The power of love defies all logic...What is something that inspires you, puts your life into perspective, moves you to tears? What is that one experience or memory in your life you can always fall back on to push you foreword and make you want to be a better person?

In a perfect world, all children would have at least one teacher this special. Jeffrey Wright uses wacky experiments to teach children about the universe, but it is his own personal story that teaches them the true
meaning of life.

People like this give me hope in human beings. Faith in humanity restored!!

Everyone should watch this video. This teacher is a great example of what more teachers should aspire to. AMAZING. Please share.

8 Snapchats About Breaking Bad


"I Am the One Who Knocks"

I think the Breaking Bad producers sent the addictive blue meth through the TV waves because this show is super addicting. It even took over Snapchat!

13 Romantic and Not-So Romantic Snapchats


Love Me, Love Me, Say That You Love Me!

Sweet and not so sweet snapchats.