
Change Your Face in a Snap with Snapchat

Snaplight on BluLavender

This talented artist can transform her face to whoever and whatever she wants using Snapchat. See more face transformations on her Instagram.

What BluLavender Have to Say About Her Snaps

When I first got snapchat, it was all about taking pictures of my friends and making them look funny but, then I discovered I can do more than simply drawing mustaches on people. The real art started as a laugh among friends; taking selfies and adding cartoon characters that replaced my face. After a few months, it became something I wanted to share with everyone.

I love exploring different mediums in art and testing my ability with limited tools. I started off using random apps like DrawSomething with "limited ink" and other digital sketchbooks. But, Snapchat was a little more interesting, it only has one brush size, colours that are hard to re-find, and the only tool I have to draw with is my finger which limits the ability to create thin lines/details and pushes me to be more creative. However, what made me keep making more snap art was being able to incorporate real life objects and people into my art. And being able to inspire others to continue their passion no matter how many restrictions there are or how many barriers they have to face.

BluLavender Snapchat Gallery